Katrina Harvey-Winstanley
Katrina joined Kleeneze as a single Mum of two teenage children, after moving to a new town, hundreds of miles away from any friends or family and without any transport.She desperately wanted to become independent and get off state benefits, so after responding to a Newspaper Ad, then realising it was for a company called Kleeneze that she had received information from when still living in Cornwall, she decided to get started.
She had previously been involved with a big American Network Marketing company, so understood the concept of the business and having also distributed catalogues for a well known cosmetics company, she knew how easy that side of the business would be.
The biggest thing that set Kleeneze apart from the other companies she had been involved with, was the incomes that were being made here in the UK and by ordinary people like her - Kleeneze Distributors were more than happy to show you proof of earnings.
So she followed the advice she was given and the easy duplicatable system and gradually built up her own Kleeneze Business.
During this process, she met her husband Ian and they now run the business together around the six children and four grandchildren they have between them. In June 2010, they got married in a beautiful Castle in Cornwall, surrounded by friends, family and of course many of their closest Kleeneze colleagues who travelled from all over the country to share their special day.
Since their wedding, they have been able to take on a second home back down in Cornwall, so Katrina can be near her elderly parents when she chooses, whilst still maintaining their house in Manchester closer to Ian's family.
Thanks to Kleeneze, Ian had effectively retired before his 40th birthday, and is now able to spend more time doing the charity and voluntary work that he so enjoys and Katrina continues to share everything she has learned with people from all ages and backgrounds, who are desperately looking for a light at the end of the tunnel, just like she was when she found Kleeneze.
More recently, in November 2013, Katrina fulfilled one of her life-long ambitions thanks to Kleeneze. The company took 200 of it's Team Leaders to Dubai, where they experienced luxury as you've never seen before.
As well as attending a Gala Dinner in the world famous Armani Hotel, at the foot of the world's tallest building, (Burj Khalifa), which alone would set each person back £1,000, Katrina was able to spend an afternoon getting to know the Dolphins at Dolphin Bay on Palm Island.
Who would have thought that by delivering & collecting catalogues, and showing other people how to do the same, Kleeneze would enable you to swim with, embrace, kiss and dance with dolphins in such an amazing setting.
Anyone starting today could get to experience such magical moments every year, just by duplicating what Katrina & Ian have done. In May 2015, qualifiers will experience all the luxuries on offer in Montego Bay, Jamaica! To find out more Click Here
Jaime de Caso
With an original goal to earn extra money to pay for their wedding and save up the deposit for their first home, Jaime De Caso and his wife Adele built up their Kleeneze business in their spare time, around their full-time jobs.They achieved their early goals and more, and were soon able to give up their jobs to concentrate on Kleeneze.
Now they are a family of five with their own business that gives them the financial freedom to work less hours, earn a comfortable income and enjoy more family time and frequent holidays at their own Spanish villa.
Grace Sassanelli
When Grace and her husband Nick joined Kleeneze in July 2008, they only wanted to earn an extra £50 per week or so.They both had hectic lives as Grace worked nights at a bank call centre and they had two young boys.
They could only fit in approx 5 hours per week in the early days, but after 3 weeks in the business they had managed to generate £765 of sales, which in turn earned them £216 profit, and more than paid for their initial investment.
In August 2010 Grace left her full time job to work their Kleeneze Business 9am-3pm. This meant she could do the school runs and be there for the children whilst still earning more than her full time job had paid. It also gave her more flexibility to attend school plays and functions etc.
Karim Karmali
There were hardly enough working hours available in the week for Karim Karmali to pay the bills in his full-time public sector job in the Council and part-time supermarket role.Having looked at the Kleeneze Opportunity, he was very sceptical, but because of the low start up cost, (and with a money back guarantee), he realised he had absolutely nothing to lose.
He also had two children who he didn't get to spend much time with. Now thanks to Kleeneze he only works one "Job", and has both time and money to be able to enjoy the things he previously only dreamed about, including a top-of-the-range Jaguar!
Kleeneze has taken him on numerous 5* all-expenses paid trips including Monte Carlo in October 2000, South Africa in March 2003, and more recently Dubai in November 2013. But most importantly, it has given him and his family a lifestyle that everyone can enjoy. It's exciting and fun!
Abby Allgood
Abby joined Kleeneze whilst at college doing her 'A' level exams as it looked like a flexible way of earning enough money to get some driving lessons.She had always planned to go straight to University and left college with fantastic grades. However, she decided to put that on hold for a while as she very quickly saw the potential of taking time to build a substantial Kleeneze Business, which would then produce long term profitability and time freedom.
Such an unconventional idea that most of her friends, teachers and extended family thought she was crazy!
What other job could she get right now, as a 19 year old, where she works part time from home and earns more than the average person’s full time wage, and also qualify for a free 5* luxury holiday to Miami?
Her friends that went straight to University are in lots of debt and are worried about not being able to find a job after they leave University. Abby, on the other hand has lots of money invested in savings, no debt, and she is very excited about her future.
Neil Young
Neil and Karen Young joined Kleeneze in order to make an extra £300 per month. Neil explains: "At the time, a number of business ventures meant we had a whopping £60,000 tax bill to pay. Add to that an overdraft, loans and credit cards and we were in debt totalling over £100,000. We also had a huge mortgage and were about to start a family, so we were in a desperate situation."I knew the only way I was going to get out of debt was to have my own business. What I didn’t realise was that Kleeneze was to provide me with far more than the £300 a month we originally joined for. As soon as we answered the advert to become Kleeneze Distributors, we received fantastic help and support - and this has continued throughout the life of our Kleeneze Business.
"Not only have we paid off that massive debt, but in the process we have qualified for more than 10 international and European conferences, and Kleeneze also awarded us a FREE Mini Cooper for our business growth. We now have an average income in excess of £5000 every four weeks!"
Fiona Henshaw
Fiona and her husband Lee, joined Kleeneze in August 2008. They saw an opportunity to build a future for themselves and their family that would give them both time and financial freedom if they put in some hard work up front. They didn’t know of any other job or business that would give them that kind of reward.Having previously experienced redundancy and the insecurity of a 'normal' job, they had become very disillusioned with the corporate world.
They instantly got started with the catalogues and made a profit in their first 3 weeks. They were amazed at the increase in their income over the first 3 months - their first four weeks earned them just over £200, and just two months later their cheque for 4 weeks 'work' was over £1,000!!!
They then started to recommend the Kleeneze Opportunity to other people, and consequently, through supporting their growing team, their income has grown too. Along the way they also qualified for two all expenses paid 5* trips to Cyprus in 2009 and New York in 2011.
Richard Woods
Richard started his Kleeneze business with his partner Helen Lambert when she fell pregnant. At the time Helen was an administrator for a mortgage company and Richard was working in a factory making concrete blocks for houses, the sort of work he'd always done since leaving school.After originally being sceptical about joining Kleeneze, Richard & Helen decided they would give it a go, part-time to see if they could earn a few hundred pounds a month. After earning £264 in the first 2 weeks they realised it does work!
Convinced that Kleeneze would be the way forward for their family, Richard gave up his full-time job to concentrate on their Kleeneze business. Now earning in 4 weeks what he used to make in 6 months in his old job, Kleeneze has changed Richards and his family’s lives forever.
They’ve also been rewarded for all their hard work; with free luxury trips around the world to places they used to dream of going and even a brand new car, not to mention all the amazing friends they’ve made across the network.
Abigail Colclough
Abigail came across Kleeneze by accident when she was helping a friend find a job. At the time Abigail was working full time in a European careers service. Loving her job and having a good salary meant Abigail wasn’t looking for either a change in career or an extra income.Once Abigail saw the Kleeneze opportunity she thought “Wow! If this works, it’s incredible!”
After deciding to give it a go in her spare time and find out for herself, she earned £217 in her first 4 weeks! 9 months later, Abigail was earning over £1,000 a month alongside her full time job and also qualified for a FREE trip to Monte Carlo.
Not long after that, Abigail decided to leave her job to concentrate on being a mum. Being a single mum, being her own boss and working flexible hours was perfect. This means that Abigail is always there for every school event and can enjoy raising her son with no need for all the hassle of child care.
With an income now over £40,000 a year, it works for Abigail as she can work flexible hours around her family.
Stuart Heard
Stuart Heard joined Kleeneze because he was looking for an extra £50 or so per week and needed something flexible to fit around his demanding career.Although he had a good job, Stuart had bought a house with a big mortgage and a brand new car that needed paying for. And with fuel, council tax and food prices all going up, Stuart found he was beginning to have no money left for anything else.
Once he joined, Stuart soon realised he could fit his Kleeneze business around his job and earned over £200 in his first 4 weeks, for around 8 hours work a week.
With a few regular customers under his belt, Stuart realised he could earn the same amount for just a couple of hours work a week rather than eight. This worked out at over £20 an hour and it was then that Stuart decided to look at Kleeneze as a future career.
Spending every moment outside his job finding new customers, Stuart then started to share the Kleeneze opportunity with other people. Within a year, Stuart was earning over £800 every 4 weeks and still had his full-time job. In 2007, Stuart left his job and focused on building his Kleeneze business full-time.
Since then, Stuart has also replaced his wife’s income from her job, allowing her to be a stay-at-home mum. Together, Stuart and Robyn-Lee now earn over £6000 per month from their own customers and have a sizeable team who’ve simply been taught to do the same.
Doug Roper
Doug Roper joined Kleeneze along with his wife Sandra, because they were in need of additional income. At the time, Doug was managing a small charity and Sandra wasn’t working so she could look after their young children. Soon enough, they began to build up debts on credit cards.Their Kleeneze business immediately helped them earn the additional few hundred pounds a month that they needed to take the pressure off.
Over the next few years, Doug and Sandra continued to develop their business to the point at which their Kleeneze income was matching the income from Doug’s job! This helped them clear their debts and life began to look a bit more hopeful. They discovered how much they love to work together and work from home, giving them the freedom and flexibility to spend time with their children.
The incentives from Kleeneze also excited Doug and Sandra to build their business further, over the past few years they have developed a business that pays them more than Doug’s job ever did, allowing him to give up his old job and run their Kleeneze business full-time.
As well as a fabulous income Doug and Sandra have travelled the world free of charge with Kleeneze, having qualified for 8 international conferences! They’ve also won a Mini Cooper, which is theirs to keep, and enjoyed the freedom of always being there for their children.
Dan Booth
Dan Booth from Derbyshire was first introduced to Kleeneze in 2008 when his mum, Karen, joined. She was a single parent with two children and needed a flexible way to earn some extra income.Seeing how easy and well Kleeneze worked for Karen, Dan joined on the day of his 18th birthday and started working it around his A-level studies. Typically doing 8–10 hours per week, he was earning over £200 per month in his spare time.
He is now a full time university student and has built his part-time Kleeneze income to earning well over £1,500 per month, while fitting it in with his course and looking toward a future graduating debt-free.