Your First Week in Kleeneze
7 Simple Lessons to Success
Whether you've been in the business one day, one week, one month, or one year+,
by following these 7 simple steps, your success is inevitable.
Click the ORANGE links to view recommended websites, download printables and more.

Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail!
In order to grow a successful Kleeneze Business, the best piece of advice to take on board is "Be Prepared!" With that in mind, this website, along with your Kleeneze Team Support Page WWW.TEAMRESOURCES.CO.UK, between them have all the tools and information you will need to get your business off to a flying start.
If you do think of something that isn't covered here, your sponsor and/or ourselves will be only too happy to help.

As well as regular communication from ourselves, you will also receive weekly emails from Kleeneze HQ, such as invoices, weekly statements, GSA (group sales analysis) updates and weekly bulletins.
To help prepare you for this exciting new journey, you should watch the video on the right, and follow the advice therein.
If you use 'social media', (if you don't, now would be a good time to start), follow your Team pages on Facebook and Twitter - @system2success - the links are usually at the bottom of our emails.
And not forgetting your team YouTube Channel 'SYSTEM2SUCCESS' where you will find an array of helpful tutorials.
Your Kleeneze Business Kit and Catalogues will normally arrive 2 banking days after registration, (your photo ID card and personalised labels will be despatched under separate cover), so why not spend that time familiarising yourself with Kleeneze's main website.
Click the image on the left to go to the Kleeneze login page, (as mentioned in the video). You will need your distributor account number, (usually 8 digits), and your Kleeneze password, (both emailed to you after completing the online registration and kit payment process).
That's your first lesson completed - well done! Be sure to revisit this website again tomorrow for Lesson 2, or why not be one step ahead of the game and follow Lesson 2 now. Make sure you add this page to your bookmarks (CTRL-D), so that it is readily available whenever you need it.
Welcome to the Team, and may you have all the success you are willing to work for.
Go for Greatness!

Your Very Own Kleeneze Website & Online Shop

To maximise your earning potential and also qualify for FREE catalogues and extra bonuses from the very day you join, Kleeneze also provide you with your own Kleeneze Online Shop for attracting new customers and potential team members, so be sure to tell everyone all about it. Your personalised website address will be (followed by your distributor number), and will look similar to the image on the left, (click the image to view an example).
DON'T BE A SECRET AGENT! Many distributors who have 'shared' their website immediately after joining, have placed their first batch of customer orders before their catalogues have even arrived! - Now that's working SMART! So, be sure to let everyone know what you are doing and ask them to browse your online shop, and place an order with you to help you get started - most people will be more than happy to help you out.
Aim to achieve at least £150 - £200 of orders within your first week and £300 - £400 or more by the end of week 2. This will set you on the right road to qualify for FREE catalogues and extra bonuses.
To earn unlimited FREE catalogues during your first 30 days, be sure to take full advantage of the KLEENEZE 30 DAY BONUS (opens a pdf document within your browser).
To earn an extra 6% bonus commission on top of the basic 21% retail commission, you will need to process in excess of £780 of orders in a Kleeneze 4 week period. THIS DOCUMENT (opens up a pdf document within your browser), shows you the simplest way to achieve this in the early stages of your Kleeneze Business.
You can find out more about the alternative method of catalogue distribution mentioned in the document above by visiting WWW.PRESENTYOURCATALOGUES.CO.UK
Download a copy of the KLEENEZE PERIOD CALENDAR here, (you are part of the 'BLUE' group).
A WORD OF CAUTION - We can't highlight enough the importance of speaking to your sponsor before placing your first order, to avoid any hiccups!

Put Those Catalogues to Work!
Your Kleeneze Business Kit should arrive approximately 48 hours after registration, (excluding weekends and bank holidays). Please inform ourselves or your direct sponsor as soon as it does, and if it hasn't arrived within 3 working days please let us know immediately.
As soon as you receive your Kit, follow this 6 minute video tutorial, (shown here on the right), to prepare your catalogues ready for dropping either today, or tomorrow at the latest. Do not leave it any longer, or you will jeopardise qualifying for any bonuses.
The 'Help Wanted' or 'DAY SLIPS' mentioned in the video can be downloaded here and personalised to suit your own cataloguing schedule. We recommend leaving the catalogues for 48 hours, (but no longer than 72 hours), before attempting to collect them again.
Please do not be tempted to change these slips in any way, or invent your own, as they have been used with great success for over 15 years and do three jobs in one:
- They let the customer know which day of the week you will return to collect the catalogue pack;
- They act as a FREE advertisement for new Catalogue Distributors to join your team, and;
- They remind the customer to leave the catalogue outside so you don't need to disturb them, and politely asks that they don't throw the pack away.
Whichever Kleeneze Business Kit you joined with, you can start distributing your catalogues straight away by either 'Blanket Dropping' or 'Personally Presenting' them.
Remember! All the time the catalogues are in your house they are not earning you any money, so as soon as you collect one batch, tidy them up and post them to the next batch of letter boxes.
As a reminder, you can find out more about how to 'Personally Present' your Kleeneze catalogues and significantly increase your turnover with no extra effort by visiting WWW.PRESENTYOURCATALOGUES.CO.UK
As you can probably appreciate by now, the catalogue is the core method for collecting customer orders. With that being said, there has been a dramatic increase in online purchases over recent years and it is now becoming a popular trend.
If you couple that with the huge growth in social media marketing, you can quite easily see how your business could benefit from those added sales.
For expert tips on how to market your Kleeneze Business and products for FREE on Facebook in your local area, receive more orders and consequently earn more money, please visit WWW.SELLONFB.CO.UK (N.B. a similar method can also be used for recruiting new people into your team).
Please remember to contact either ourselves or your direct sponsor if you need any help.

Catalogue Collection, Record Keeping, Order Processing & Returns
In this lesson we will be explaining the different scenarios that you will experience when collecting your Kleeneze Catalogues, the importance of keeping good 'Customer Records', what to do on receipt of your customer deliveries and how to process 'Customer Returns'.
One of the most exciting jobs in Kleeneze, is going out and collecting your catalogues from potential customers.
Before you do this, you must watch the video on the right, so you know what to expect and what to do about it.
If you are unsuccessful in collecting a catalogue pack from a house/doorstep on the first attempt, it is best practice to post a 'SORRY I MISSED YOU' slip through the letterbox, so be sure to download and print them off, and always have plenty of them with you.
You should also carry plenty 'THANK-YOU FOR YOUR ORDER' slips as mentioned in the video.
To order the 'Round Books' mentioned in the video, visit WWW.BIDSWEBSHOP.CO.UK or order replacement 'Retailing Books' (using order code 09261), when you place your first/next batch of customer orders.
The video on the left shows you how to log in to your account and place your customer orders, along with any 'Sales Aids' you might need.
Just a reminder, you MUST speak to your sponsor or Gold Upline before placing your first batch of orders - this is of course for your own benefit.
This video also walks you through the receipt of your parcels and how to get them ready for delivering to your customers - this is another exciting job, because this is when you get paid for the work you have done so far.
To order the customer delivery bags shown in the video, use code 097845 for 100 large carrier bags, and code 097853 for 100 small carrier bags. Extra 'snappy' bags, as shown in the video, can also be re-ordered on code 701432 for 50.
At times you may find it necessary to return some products to Kleeneze, as we pride ourselves in offering our customers a no quibble money-back guarantee, as set out on the customer order form. Watch THIS VIDEO to find out how to process your customer returns.
The 'Summary of Returns' sheets mentioned in the video, should be kept for a minimum of 12 weeks, as proof that your returns were collected by the driver should any query arise.

Communication, Communication, Communication
In Kleeneze, as with any successful business, communication really is key - you must communicate with your customers in order to earn an income from the retail side of the business, and if you are interested in 'Team Building' to grow your income, you will need to communicate with prospects in order for them to join your business.
To earn a regular income from your Kleeneze Business you will need to follow a recommended plan that has been followed by your successful up-line. It is up to you to convey any concerns to your sponsor or up-line Gold Distributor (such as ourselves), in order for them/us to be able to assist you.
The 'Tracker' mentioned in the video on the right, which should be completed on a weekly/monthly basis, can be found at WWW.TRACKYOURSUCCESS.CO.UK

The 'Ezereach' voice messaging system is available to all Kleeneze Distributors at WWW.EZEREACH.COM. The first 3 months are completely FREE, so please be sure to watch this short 5 MINUTE VIDEO on why Kleeneze top earners recommend 'plugging into' the Ezereach Voicemail System.
Download the EZEREACH USER MANUAL and listen to this 2 MINUTE AUDIO CLIP explaining how Ezereach has helped different distributors build their Kleeneze Business from day one.
As mentioned in the video, we also recommend you join Gavin Scott's EMAIL LOOP. Gavin is one of our Millionaire Upline Leaders and is pictured left, with his partner Bonnie Arapes, receiving a cheque for £43,000+ for just 4 weeks' work! They started with a Kleeneze Business Kit and Catalogues just like you - so, if anybody knows how to build a successful Kleeneze Business, they certainly do.
There are numerous Webinars hosted by different Team Leaders throughout the Kleeneze Network, and you will usually receive an invitation to these from ourselves, or further upline via email, often on the day the Webinar is held - another good reason to read your emails at least once a day.
Business Opportunity Meetings, or BOMs for short, are generally hosted by Team Leaders in different parts of the UK and ROI specifically to help build their own teams, but are often 'open' to the wider network. Many of these are advertised in the EWB, which you will receive via email from Kleeneze HQ every Friday.
Events and Company Conferences like those shown in this 3 MINUTE VIDEO should be written on your calendar and planned around, because the cost of not attending them, and missing out on the crucial training and support could be the difference between you making a success of your Kleeneze Business or not. We personally haven't missed a single UK Company Conference since joining in early 2003, so we advise you from a place of experience.

It's all About Sharing
Retailing will get you a good income, there’s no doubt about that. Building a team, however, will give you a life-changing income. Retailing is only one small part of this business and, if you’re serious about making those profits soar, it’s time to look towards something that lies at the heart of every successful Network Marketing business – sponsoring.
"What's in it for me?" we hear you ask. As well as the 21%-37% commission you earn every time you deliver Kleeneze goods to your customers, Kleeneze will also pay you bonuses every 4 weeks calculated on your entire team turnover! The bigger the team = the bigger the turnover = the bigger the bonus cheque! It really is that simple!
You do not need to be earning £1,000s yourself before telling your family and friends about the Kleeneze Business Opportunity, as there are hundreds of testimonials from Kleeneze Distributors who have come from similar backgrounds as your 'warm market', you can read some of their stories on our recruitment website HERE
We have within our own team, examples of people who have joined from many varied forms of advertising:
- I (Katrina), originally looked at the Kleeneze Opportunity in 2001 after seeing a business card in a motorway service station toilet;
- I eventually joined the business in 2002 after replying to approx 12 different 'extra income' ads in the local free paper;
- Julie & John, Jane, and Mary-Rose & Nigel all joined the business after completing their details on a 'Help Wanted' catalogue 'Day Slip';
- Pat & Steve and Mike & Holly all joined the business after receiving an 'extra income' flyer through their door;
- Ian joined the business shortly after we met in 2007, on my recommendation;
- Both my daughter Kirsty and son Zac joined after initially helping me with the catalogues when they were both still at school;
- Marjorie joined on the recommendation of a relative who had previously been a Kleeneze Distributor;
- Donna & Sarah joined after seeing their own parents earn good money from their Kleeneze Business;
- Several people, including Tammy and Anni, have joined in response to my comments on Facebook or watching one of our YouTube videos;
- And others, like Graham, Victoria, Iain, Nick and John, have joined after searching on the internet for extra income opportunities.
When one of your prospects wants to get started, and they have decided which Kleeneze Business Kit to join with, you will need to send them a 'registration link'. THIS VIDEO shows you how to send the link and what they will see at their end.
Make sure that as soon as they have completed their online registration, they also visit WWW.NEWDISTRIBUTORTRAINING.CO.UK to receive their vital training too. We will also add them to our 'system2success' Team email loop.
We appreciate this section has a lot of information which you may feel is not currently relevant to you. Just be sure to add this page to your bookmarks (CTRL-D), so that it is readily available when you need it, and, as always, remember to contact us or your sponsor for any help or advice needed.